Today humankind found a planet capable of holding life, where one year is 385 days, with a similar number of planets in its solar system and a sun slightly older than ours. Although it is 1,400 light years away, one day our not too distant ancesters will probably visit it. We will find many many more planets like us and it, and we will find many that are much closer to us, within months and within this decade. This marks the beginning, of the proof we are not alone, and not very special, our galaxy is teeming with life, and now we are certain that there are other planets just like this one. This finding is as important as finding out the world is not flat and not 10,000 years old. Above and beyond!
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Wednesday, July 08, 2015
Greek reality check
Back in the 90s British people paid taxes, they worked 38 hours a week, a third of their pay went to the state, they worked to go to Greece for their holiday. Our government used a not inconsiderable amount of that tax to help Greece, the same Greece we saw on our holiday, relaxing, sleeping, having a wonderful time, not working 38 hours a week, maybe on paper, and absolutely not paying taxes.
We all knew that couldn't continue.
So did you, and you voted for and allowed your politicians to lie, thinking 'these fuckers are the same as the holidaymakers, we will tell them everything is okay, or it will be soon...chill out, here have some ouzo,"
Not much has changed, your prime minister handed a hand written post it note plan to pay your debt in a meeting with your creditors, the people you owe $300billion to!
Oh, we will have a plan later, stop worrying, your people have just voted to say fuck you to those creditors.
That money is owed to the German, Italian,Spanish, French and British people who worked and paid their taxes. Now, you threaten our very system, the system made to bring Europeans together to help each other.
Fuck you Greece, bring your people into line, get out of the sunshine, our children don't have free education anymore, our disabled suffer, our civil servants earn less, retire later....why shouldn't yours? ?