It is about time, that 'global warming' is put into context-It quite simply does not exist.
The world's climate has been going up and down for millennia. There have been ice ages, mini ice ages, temperature rises and global droughts throughout Earth's history.
There can be no denying that the Earth's climate is indeed rising at the moment, but there is no evidence that this is due to Man.
The effects of pollution are still, quite obviously, bad for our environment, and for that reason we must strive to clean up our act. What mustn't continue to happen, is what is happening in this country- militant greenies dictating government policies.
As we had the loony left during the 80's, and still have the 'PC' extremists, the greens have taken over.
Some people in the US have called for scientists that deny man made global warming to be censured. This reminds me of the catholic church denying evolution and disallowing any contradictory views.
On a practical level, this fixation with the environment is beginning to have undesirable inconveniences on our everyday lives. In my office, the bins under our desks have been removed in the name of the environment, and the(office) intranet message boards are full of twats extolling the virtues of recycling. In reality, all the rubbish, the same amount and type as before is piled up and overflowing in communal bins. Our bins at home are now collected once a fortnight. We have recycling bins already, which is fine, but now there is discussion about what rubbish we should be putting in our bins!
I am sick to the fucking teeth of hearing about 'carbon footprints'. It is time that these hippy environmentalists got proper jobs and left us normal people alone. It is obvious that we need to reduce pollution and waste, but, that should be done by producing clean energy-I don't choose how my electricity is produced.In fact if I could choose, I think it is about time we started building more Nuclear Power plants, and work out a way to send the waste into the next solar system, or 10 miles under the pacific ocean seabed.
I would like to hear some definitive proof that the current rise in global temperature is man-made, and not just part of a climate cycle.
And I want my bin back.
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