Some people in England really are happy living on benefits and believe life is better there, even though they never work.
A SHOPAHOLIC scrounger refuses to get a job because her partying means she can’t get out of bed in the morning.
Champagne-swigging wannabe model Kaycie Yates says she is already out living her WAG dream on government handouts.
Despite walking out of 11 jobs, Kaycie – branded the Cheryl Cole of Reading – lives in a luxury £240,000 flat and spends £1,200 a month on make-up, clothes, hair extensions and nights out.
The 20-year-old gets £800 from the state every month which includes housing benefit, council tax benefits and Job Seekers’ Allowance. And her mum tops this income up with an extra £1,200 a month from her own savings.
It means Kaycie spends most of her time living the life of a celebrity, filling her days sleeping late, watching Jeremy Kyle on daytime TV and caring for her pet Chihuahua Princess.
The scrounger, who left school with four GCSEs, is exposed in a new BBC3 series called Working Girls.
It teams work-shy babes up with successful business women to try to get them away from a life of benefits.
But defiant Kaycie says it’s the Government that is to blame.
She insisted: “I’m not a scrounger. But the Government’s making it easy for me to claim benefits and my mum loves spoiling me.
“I’d like a job, but it’s hard to find something I enjoy that will pay for the life I want to live.
“I’ve tried working in shops but I walked out of four or five jobs because I had to get up too early or I got bored.
“I want a job, but part time would be better so I can keep my benefits.”
Kaycie admits to feeling guilty for taking taxpayers’ money, but argues that it is not her fault. She added: “I’m stuck in a benefits cycle.
“If I got a full-time job I’d be working 50 hours just to pay my bills.
“I do worry about mum making sacrifices for me.
“She does go without things like getting her nails done and having her car serviced to make sure I have things. I
was spoilt growing up. If I wanted it, I got it. Everyone deserves to have nice things, including me.”
Charlotte Linacre of the Taxpayers Alliance, said: “It’s totally unfair that hard- working taxpayers fund self-confessed benefit addicts.”
In the show, one of Kaycie’s mentors is Carina Svendsen, general manager for the five-star Missoni Hotel in Edinburgh.
Viewers will see how Kaycie copes with cleaning the bedrooms and washing up.
Working Girls starts on March 3.
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