Monday, March 19, 2012

Kony campaign is being used by Christian nutters to raise money.

David Mitchell " Before the video I was against child soldiers, but by the end I was a bit more for, as it would annoy that irritating smug bastard...."
Brooker " Jolie is annoyed that Kony has abducted more kids than she has"
Jimmy Carr " Uganda doesn't have a youth unemployment problem then"

This campaign, is in the end a complete load of bollocks, the group who made the video are a group of very scary Christian fundaMENTALISTS, who have made many viral campaigns before. The money they are raising is huge, and very little of that money will be used in Africa. ' Kony' apparently left Uganda 6 years ago anyway. A lot of the supporters of this video here in the UK are quickly backtracking as they realize they are lending their voices to a hitler youthesque group of Christian nutters. Watch the video above, Charlie Brooker as ever puts it all in a clear context. But Jimmy Carr said it the best, a few child soldiers seems better than these Christian youth (this is of course a sarcastic remark)

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