Thursday, March 14, 2019

Join the EU club

For example; If you earn £55k per year you pay £105 per year to the EU. Think of that payment as a stall at a car boot sale. Ifpay more tax as total earnings revenue of the you don't pay it then your actual earnings will go down,as you will need to either nation will go down due to less profits from sales because of increased tariffs and trade barriers with the nation's biggest trading partners and tougher competition from large trading partners outside the EU who demand certain privileges willy nilly as they see fit. Or if your job happened to be in finance or god forbid car manufacturing then you will lose your wage completely,this is not project Fear it is reality,the car manufacturers have already announced their plans.
Use this simple tool to find out how much you personally pay to stay in the club and keep your job and pay less tax as a whole. By the way a major part of that £104 comes straight back into the UK and funds infrastructure projects and helps poorer areas in the UK. 
It is no use having a car boot sale in a field by yourself, nobody will come,if they do, they will rob you.

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