Wednesday, June 22, 2005

7 days is a long time

7 days have gone by, I still haven't sorted out this flat. I have thrown away bags of sh...stuff and still haven't finished.Because of the rain, i've had to keep the windows closed in 32C heat and 95% humidity that means a damp house.No use washing clothes as they will never dry so of to the laundry with my umbrella today, you must use an umbrella here or you do get soaked. I am smoking too much i think, it must be the boredom, and no kids in the flat. Not sure how they are doing, i bought a $50 phonecard yesterday, it lasted for 3 minutes!!! I also didn't get to speak to the boys on Father's day.

Jack and Teosdee at the airport

Originally uploaded by cmercer.
I do miss their smiles and voices!

at the airport

Originally uploaded by cmercer.
Joseph at the airport.I do miss his smile and voice.


Originally uploaded by cmercer.
It has rained here non stop for 7 days, generally 100 mm per day, with no end in sight!

dragonboat team

Originally uploaded by cmercer.


Originally uploaded by cmercer.


Originally uploaded by cmercer.


Originally uploaded by cmercer.

International dragon boat races

Originally uploaded by cmercer.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

The journey

Well, I saw them off at the airport this afternoon. I have just checked their flight and they are on the tarmac at Bangkok airport-technology really is amazing! They will take off again in 25 minutes for Bahrain, where I should be able to call them.After a 3 hour wait they will board a flight to London where they will arrive 22 hours after leaving Hong Kong at 6.25amBST . THEN ....they will take a coach to Luton Airport and get a flight to Malaga Spain and arrive at 3pm Spanish time,30 hours after leaving!!
I wish I was there to help Teosdee,the kids can be a handful just at home never mind on a plane. I am here watching the news -Michael Jackson getting off, sickening really, he should at least be placed under psychiatric care.

us last night

Originally uploaded by cmercer.

Saturday, June 11, 2005


Originally uploaded by cmercer.
the harbour hasn't seen swimmers for many years.


Originally uploaded by cmercer.
only 3 days before they fly, it will be boring around here.

dragonboat festival

Today was dragon boat day here. We didn't see any dragon boats this year as we got out too late to get to the beach. We went into the city and took a couple of ferries and had a walk around, but it got up to 34c and it really was hot and humid out there.

The tradition dates back to the legend of Wat Yun, a Chinese minister a very long time ago, in other words I have no idea when! Anyway he disagreed with the evil emperor of the time and in protest jumped into the sea or river and drowned. Impressed by his dedication the locals went out in boats and tried to scare the sharks and fish away by banging on drums or failing that dropping food into the river to discourage the fish from eating Wat Yun's body.Today's races were mainly for fun and are fun to watch. They will hold the international races next weekend in the harbour. It will be the first time for 17 years that dragon boats have been in the harbour, mainly due the danger posed to boaters from the pollution. Now either the harbour is cleaner or they want tourists to see the city in the background, which will make great pics. I think it is more likely to be the latter as although the harbour water quality may have improved fractionally it is still very dirty. One mouthfull of that water, and you can expect some stomach problems for sure, as well as various skin allergies rashes etc.That is what the government were warning only a couple of years ago. But those pics will be nice.

jack had a good day

Originally uploaded by cmercer.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Some teachers don't make it through the year!

Originally uploaded by cmercer.
My colleagues didn't take well to the school.

school's out

Finished my secondary school today with Marius. We were the only teachers left out of 5 at the beginning plus 1 full time teacher who gave up the ghost after only 3 months.
I have to say that after 12 years, it was by far the worst school by a mile. The school itself is new- 1 or 2 years old, it is a beautiful new building with all the latest facilities, there are some great kids, but no discipline, no control,no support, no direction and no pride. We taught 2 groups of form 1 students 12-13 yrs up to 16 yrs. The school insisted that we teach 1 class of 39 students an hour of phonics twice a week, the kids had no choice. The material was the most mind numbingly boring material ever. The result was kids who hated the lessons and who paid very little attention, therefore dragging out the classes and creating a battlefield between themselves and the teachers, fighting, bad language and anarchy. Although we pleaded with the school to vary the classses no respite was forecoming.We then pleaded for help with discipline.As we are only at the school for a few hours per week, we could not take an active part in follow up discipline or punishments. The school pretty much ignored us. After the first semester, we were told that the school had decided to cut some classes, all of us volunteered to give up our class. The company ended up asking who would still be willing to carry on, Marius and I!
The other class was an oral class of around 15 students whose parents paid extra for the course, this class was great and so were the kids.
I still have Primary school next week, but the worst is over. I have never said never before but this time I can honestly say that I will never go back.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

worth every moment.

Originally uploaded by cmercer.

baby cot

Well, I put half the flat up for sale today, including my DVD player-my prized possession, the fridge, the bed, the cooker,the washing machine, the printer and the baby's cot. I couldn't reply to any of the calls as i was teaching, by the time i got home Teos had made a deal with her cousin, I did speak to an Indian woman who wants the cot, T's cousin doesn't have any kids so I think that is the only thing we'll sell.
Paid the electricity, and had to call the bastards to tell them we had paid before it was cut off-$500 this time for 2 months, better than the average of $2000 we had over last summer, but it probably helped that I cut the plug off some of the air-cons! Nothing wrong with opening the windows, it's only 30C here, although it is still 27C at night!! That will rise to 35C by August. They will love the weather in Spain, Hot, DRY, and cool nights.
Woke up this morning and my phone had been cut off, had to phone those bastards and tell them I had paid it yesterday, although I did tell them I'd paid $500 rather than the $200 that I actually had, I had already paid $200 last week, Where does it ever end? They say you have to rob Peter to pay Paul, well Peter better watch out, cause I'm looking for him, and Paul can sod off too!
Did 2 hours at school today and 1 hour private tuition. The kids can be exhausting sometimes...but wo....but wort... kids can be exhausting sometimes.
6 days until they go.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


Originally uploaded by cmercer.
Maybe I should take up busking!!


Jack got 2 shots today, Joseph said" they are killing him!!". He is a bit poorly now, but I'm sure he'll be okay. Joseph is engrossed with the Simpsons as ever.
The landlord just called, I didn't answer of course. We have used up our deposit and the rent is due. Do I pay the rent or pay the electricity bill? We have had the final warning already. 7 days until they fly. If I was going we wouldn't pay either! It's times like this that I realise why it is time to go.
My term finishes next week and I will have 3 weeks no work and no pay. I will stay as hopefully the summer will be worth it.

Monday, June 06, 2005


Originally uploaded by cmercer.
me and joseph


Originally uploaded by cmercer.
this is my family

On The Move

Well I have been here for 12 years now, I suppose it is time to move on. After having the usual arguments with the travel agent, i paid for the family's tickets today, actually saved hk$1000!!, after threatening to take back my deposit after the agent tried to raise the agreed price-due to fuel surcharge.
I did only buy their tickets today, I will follow them in a couple of months after doing summer school. They fly to London next Tuesday, and straight on to my parents in Malaga Spain. My wife has never been to Spain before, nor for that matter have my two sons, Jack is only 18 months old , and Joseph is 4 years old.They will spend a month in Spain before going to Liverpool to spend a month with my wife's cousin. It is amazing that she has a cousin in Liverpool, my home town, as my wife Teosdee is from the Philippines.
We have been married for 5 years , but we have decided to move home , primarily for my son's education. School is just too expensive here in Hong Kong, and so for that matter is just about everything. The kids climb the wall in our tiny apartment, which for locals is quite big and nice, they need more space.
That's why I have begun this blog, it should be an interesting year, I have no idea how we will fare , but many challenges lay ahead, then again that is nothing new