Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Duterte and Cambridge Analytica

Duterte is like a wife beating husband, he is violent but he is nice to his friends and brings home money. People don't understand why his wife complains as he is so funny and successful.

The company Cambridge Analytica is a famous company that was this year forced to close after they were found to have spread millions and millions of fake posts and comments on social media. They were paid by the Russians,by Duterte,by groups supporting Brexit and right wing American groups and many others This is not disputed,they were raided and their records and contacts and payment history released. Facebook is now desperately trying to find a way to stop this. The example used is now always Duterte and how social media was used to spread lies and intimidate opponents. Throughout the world universities are studying how this was achieved and allowed to happen. The people living in The Phillipines can see the truth of what is really happening,but it is those not living there that continue to spread the fake news that the government gives them. It is a remarkable phenomenon, and although Cambridge Analytica was forced to close everyone knows that they have been replaced. The same is now happening in Burma,where a Muslim genocide has been happening,but there is an army of trolls on the internet that continue to deny the truth....even when photos and clear evidence is produced. The idea being that if you keep telling a large group of your uneducated people that black is white and white is black they will eventually believe you.

So he didn't steal? Is that now a good thing? A thing to be praised? Modern governments do not steal for their own personal gain. The leader of Hong Kong is not very good but her honesty is never questioned and the fact that she doesn't steal is not held to be a good thing, if she did,she would just be a criminal. The same can be said of the British Prime Minister and even Trump. They never get elected with the slogan..... She/he is good because they don't steal.
And it is no use bringing up past leaders,if they stole then they must face the court and justice

Duterte is like a wife beating husband, he is violent but he is nice to his friends and brings home money. People don't understand why his wife complains as he is so funny and successful.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

The real war

This is the biggest single most damaging event since World War 2. The economic damage it caused is still being felt severely today. In Britain it brought austerity and enabled the racists to gain power and through absolute lies trick our nation into becoming the laughing stock of the world. The deaths caused by austerity continue with medical services suffering and food banks feeding our children and the disabled dying through lack of money and shelter. The people who caused it continue to be protected and the corporations who benefitted continue to pay no taxes. Governments began wars against the terrorists of 9/11 and destroyed the countries they came from and began a blitzkrieg of a whole region and expressed surprise when millions of refugees poured out of the rubble and continue to do so. Yet, the criminals who caused the economic crash and the system that allowed it and continues to do so is left untouched and stronger than ever.
In years to come,in centuries to come, this event will be seen as a catalyst to misery and the instigator of a backwards step for humanity, the cause of Brexit,of Trump and the fake news wars.