Wednesday, August 08, 2007

aims and objectives

I have spent the last week in the office, I haven't taught any students for at least 10 days. I have been designing courses and compiling lesson plans! This is what I wanted, a more administrative role,luckily I will be back in the classroom for a couple of weeks from next week.Then in September, my employer has asked me to stay in the office to plan the year's lessons.I should then be able to get some teaching time in October.This is really what i wanted though, it's great to get my hands on the crap that I've always been given and turn it into something that may actually be half decent. We shall see if the teachers agree with me.
Only 1 week until the family arrive.This has been way too long apart, it seems that way because of Barcelona.Next time we travel together.
We are in the midst of a Typhoon here, I may get a day off tomorrow.I would have gambled in the past that I definitely would, and i would still be in the pub right now(11pm).I'm older and wiser now(ha ha) and know quite well that it's only a 50-50 chance,too many times the typhoon has pissed off at 6am and that can really fuck up your day. If it's still here at 9am tomorrow, then it will be time for a typhoon party-I'll let you know.

back to the city

Lantau(our new home)

on the ferry(to our new home)