Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Adios Amigos

Welcome to my blog.
A 'blog' is just an online journal. Mine is a collection of silly news about myself,or it may be taken from the wider world.I have kept it up for 2 years now-check the archives on the right side column.You can also find some links to my other blogs there or other blogs that I like. The main idea is to let family and friends from afar know how we are getting on,but as my travels are not really that interesting-I need to throw in some other stuff as well.
I head to Barcelona tomorrow at 5am to begin my TEFL or CELTA as it is officially known. I am taking it to give myself an edge in the job market in Hong Kong.
Sadly I have to say goodbye to my colleagues here in Birkenhead, but I have invited them all to come and visit us in The Far East.
The school in Barcelona has a computer room, so I will keep posting.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

woe is me. AC Milan 2-1Liverpool

Captain Marvel forsaken by the gods!

Young fan takes to the drink!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Liverpool today

BBC NEWS | England | Merseyside | Pilotless police drone takes off: "Pilotless police drone takes off
Merseyside police drone
The drone sends images to a police control room
The UK's first police remote control helicopter has taken off.

Merseyside police are using the 'spy drone', fitted with CCTV cameras, mainly for tackling anti-social behaviour and public disorder."

Monday, May 14, 2007

The King is dead

Just over 2 weeks till Barcelona. I have been studying, and I am really looking forward to teaching again. I only have 8 more days at work in the civil service. Will I miss it?I think I will, a little! I won't miss standing outside in the cold and rain-smoking! I won't miss standing in the bus station for late buses with loonie bin escapees and drug addicts. I will miss the TV here, but as I've put on 2 stone and my cholesterol is high, I might now get up and do some exercise now and again! I will miss the food here, but that leads back to the cholesterol.
I have found a school for Joseph now,on Lantau Island and he is already enrolled to begin in September. We will look at Kindergartens for Jack in September. We had a great spring here, it was warm and sunny for nearly 3 weeks.May has cooled down and the rain had to come,otherwise it would not be England.This week has been the kind of weather that you remember, but it feels quite unusual after the mild winter and very warm spring.
And of course it's the end of an era.....

Sunday, May 06, 2007