Saturday, August 29, 2009

Legal case against God dismissed

Legal case against God dismissed
God on a cloud in a 18th century depiction
The plaintiff argued an omniscient God would know of the lawsuit

A US judge has thrown out a case against God, ruling that because the defendant has no address, legal papers cannot be served.....

Thursday, August 27, 2009

plain silly

Are you having problems-starting smoking? Well worry no more, with this handy guide!

How to start Smoking
• Step 1: Buy two packs of cigarettes and a bic lighter.
There are literally hundreds of brands and styles to choose from, each with its own taste and unique characteristics. To start, I recommend purchasing a pack of Marlboro Light 100s and Marlboro Red 100s (both in the box, not soft pack.) If you're not comfortable with these, then pick two that you are comfortable with, one light and one full flavor. Buy these from a store that sells a lot of cigarettes - you don't want to be stuck with an old pack for your first time out.
• Step 2: Get comfortable.
Sit down and relax.
• Step 3. Practice the act.
Open your pack of lights and pull a cigarette out. A cigarette is much like a straw insofar as you pull or suck something into you mouth with the straw and then swallow it. The difference with the cigarette, is that you will be inhaling rather than swallowing. Put the cigarette to your lips. Exhale out of your nose. Pull (suck) on the cigarette, open your mouth, moving the cigarette away, and inhale quickly, taking a full breath from your mouth. What's happening is that you're pulling the smoke into your mouth, then removing the cigarette, and inhaling the smoke into your lungs. It's as simple as that. Give it a few tries and get comfortable with it.
• Step 4. Light up and inhale.
Now it's time to really give it a shot. Since this is your first time and just like with coffee or alcohol, don't expect to fully enjoy the taste. That will come a little later, after just a few packs. Put the cigarette to you mouth, fully exhale, light the lighter, bring it to the tip of the cigarette, and then pull the smoke into your mouth. Remove the cigarette from your mouth and inhale quickly. Hold it in for a second and then fully exhale.

Smoking-click to open

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

2 weeks-still smoking, but not drinking!

Update- Kids start school next week, and I start my 'real' interviews. The upshot of these interviews will be that the boys will only attend their new school for about 2 months, as we will have to relocate depending upon which job I get.
Weather is really crap here. Apart from the odd day when it doesn't feel too cold, it is generally shit. Getting used to continuous cold rainy and windy days is not easy-and it is summer!
Do I like being back? Simple answer is no. But I'm not here for me.
I think once we are settled in our home for the next 2/3 years, and I'm busy working and interacting with people, I will be more positive.The place where we live, and where I work is crucial. If we are in the right environment(better than last time) I will be able to deal with the 6 month winter that is coming.
I Already miss the beach and my friends, and would love nothing more than a long lazy afternoon having a few cans and a chat to whoever comes by.
I have started taking some tablets that will help me stop smoking-Champix. After 2 weeks I am still smoking, although much, much less!
I haven't had a drink for 2 weeks, I can't be arsed with the pubs around here, and I have never really enjoyed drinking at home. My brother did offer to take me out last weekend, but I can't stand the idea of Friday/Saturday night in the city. It's a f***ing jungle out there. They show nightlife on the streets of English cities on those reality cop shows, and it is not pretty. Gandhi was right when he was asked-What do you think of Western civilization? And he replied It would be a good idea.
I can't help but notice the dark side of this country, it does shout at you, from the newspapers, from the TV, and ultimately from the streets themselves. I have already been shouted at, seen arguments and I know more will come. I was expecting it, it's not a surprise. People in the UK may feel that I am exaggerating, but if you have lived somewhere else for a long period, then these things stick out . A woman on holiday from Sweden had her hair set alight by a 15 year old on a train last week!If only this was an isolated case, but it's not. Shit like this is happening everyday here. Everybody is outraged, the newspapers scream out their end of the world headlines, but still there seems to be nothing done to find out why these things are increasing, and what our country can do to fix it.

I'm ranting now. I must stop. Here is another quote from Gandhi about England;

This civilisation is irreligion, and it has taken such a hold on the people of Europe that those who are in it appear to be half mad. They lack real strength or courage. They keep their energy by intoxication. They can be hardly happy in solitude.
This civilisation is eating into the vitals of the English nation. ……They [the English] are a shrewd nation and I therefore believe they will cast off the evil. They are enterprising and industrious, and their mode of thought is not inherently immoral. Neither are they bad at heart. I therefore respect them. Civilisation is not an incurable disease, but it should not be forgotten that the English people are affected by it.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

And so begins my love-hate relationship with this country, again-guess which this is?

Boys Try To Set Alight Girl Cancer Victim

Sunday, August 23 11:16 am
SkyNews © Sky News 2009

A five-year-old girl who is battling cancer is recovering after two boys sprayed her with deodorant and tried to set her alight.
Boys Try To Set Alight Girl Cancer Victim Enlarge photo

Scarlett Hellewell had to be rescued by neighbours when the pair pinned her down and attacked her with the aerosol can in Halifax, West Yorkshire.

She escaped with bruises when the deodorant did not catch fire.

The two young boys, believed to be only 10 and seven ran off.

A spokesman for West Yorkshire Police said: "The girl was playing when she was approached by two young boys.

"(They) kicked and punched her before spraying an aerosol in her face and attempting to set her alight. The match did not ignite."

Scarlett is suffering from a tumour which has left her blind in one eye and with marginal sight in the other.

Her mother Paula, 38, a home support worker, said she was hoping to move away from the estate where they live.

She told the Yorkshire Post: "I was disgusted when I heard what these boys had done, though this is not the first time they have attacked her.

"Scarlett's brain tumour is getting bigger and this was the last thing we needed to happen."

Neighbour Adele Brearley, 30, said: "Scarlett was really upset and her eyes were sore where they had sprayed deodorant. If they had managed to light the matches it would have been a lot worse."

Police are appealing for witnesses.

Classic- from Daisy(pinched from Lantau Chat)

Junior Member
can you tell me where are good places to hike in lantau or maybe some groups i could join?

27th November 2008, 09:12 AM
Junior Member
going for hiking....
Hi, if you are going for a small hike, i would love to join.
I have never hiked before, so wana start from a smaller level.

Junior Member
Asl long as you arn't the Phantom Gobbler of Pak Gnan Heung-a repeat performance would do for me-you can join me on a mini hike every morn from Ma Po Tseun. Sunset Peak next week.

Junior Member

Difficult finding bad places to hike to in lantau. Sorry. Of course there are. The trek, back and forth between Rosanna's and The Toilet Bar is definitely to be avoided. Head for the hills, young lady..plenty of water and keep to the straight and narrow at this time of year. Not that the snakes will have you-as much chance of getting a nip as winning the mark six. Getting lost in the this heat would do for you. Well, it might if you were stupid. Stupid or not, avoid like the plague the first mentioned trek! If you did not lose yourself at some point, there is a 100% chance of someone putting the bite on you. Have fun in those hills!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

My view on Scottish justice

The director of the FBI may well feel angry(see link to story below) at the Scottish Govt's decision to release the Lockerbie Bomber, but surely he should do so as a private individual. What gives him the right, in his offical capacity to criticise the actions of a democratically elected government?
Have the Scots abused somebody's human rights? Have they denied somebody a fair trial?
An argument being commonly used at the moment, is that no mercy was given to the victims.This is absolutely correct, but unfortunately as my grandfather used to say- two wrongs don't make a right.
Under the Scottish justice system, everybody must be treated equally- without exception, a belief that I thought the US respected.
According to Scottish law- a prisoner with less than 3 months to live is eligible for release upon compassionate grounds. This decision is not made arbitrarily, it is not measured by the severity of a crime.
This law could be changed in the future, and possibly should have been earlier, but it wasn't, and therefore the rule of law must be followed.

All of our societies are built upon the fact that we follow the rule of law, this cannot be changed for angry US senators, politicians, or presidents. We can understand their feelings, but the law must be appied to all-without exception.

I am sure that in the US this week, numerous murderers, rapists, etc have escaped punishment although obviously guilty due to technicalities, or breaches of due process. This will have caused many victims and victims' families unbearable pain and suffering. Although morally distasteful the rules are there for all, when we begin to bend that law or ignore the law, we are no longer in a position to promote or uphold that law. Barack Obama has stated the same thing in his books, it is dissapointing that he seems to be backing away from that belief.
The Scottish people hold the independence of their government very dear indeed, and if (some)Americans want to boycott all Scottish goods, that is very sad indeed.

Back to the FBI director though- If this man runs such an important organisation then that fact alone is an indicator of the FBI's effectiveness.How such a STUPID man could run a federal agency is beyond me.

'In a letter, dated 21 August, Mr Mueller said the decision makes "a mockery of justice" and gives comfort to terrorists around the world.'

How can following the law make a mockery of justice? Is justice torturing suspects and holding them indefinitely without charge in inhumane conditions, how he envisages justice?
Fuck You Mr Mueller, keep your views to yourself

FBI boss attacks Megrahi release

FBI director Robert Mueller has launched a scathing attack on Scottish Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill over the release of the Lockerbie bomber.....



Thursday, August 13, 2009


6th August- okay, i seem to have survived,just about without the family-although i do seem to have acquired bruised/broken ribs. I haven't moved off the island though,i must be getting old, apart from nearly having a barney-NEARLY. I fly... tomorrow. I've never been able to function without my family. Each time I try I always end up having to get back to them earlier than planned. UK here I come!

7th August-At the airport, didn't need to pay any excess-miraculously-feeling good!Looking forward to airplane food and beer-do they allow beer on Quata airways? Adios Amigos, will miss you all, and the weather, but I'll be back!!

7th August-In Doha airport-Qatar air is really quite good!The best selection of movies/tv and games I have ever come across,and beer!! I spent some time playing 'who wants to be a millionaire?' I won $250,000-if only it was real. Stuck here now for 7 ...hours, not sure whose connection I'm using though.

8th August-Okay, peeved off now! Smoking lounges are truly awful places-even for hardened smokers. This bloody airport is freezing and the announcements are very loud,intrusive and constant.Only another 4-5 hours!!!

8th August-Back in the bosom. long flight this time-9hrs in transit. Kids and my mum and Teosdee met me at the airport and we took the train home. Dad collected us at the station, me and teosdee walked home(20mins) and got a bag of chips from the Chinese Chippy...-who comes from Tai-Wai(Shatin). He was quite surprised to learn that i had just arrived from Hong Kong-probably thinks I'm a nutter!
Kids now upstairs watching Transformers.mum and Dad gone out, me and Teosdee watching the box-bliss! gotta get some deep heat on these ribs though!!

11th August.Busy couple of days, I've applied for work in Belgium, Libya(!), Burscough(!), Liverpool, Leeds, London, and Manchester-I have an interview in Manchester on Friday-for an English teaching job, my first teaching interview in the UK.Not sure where... I would prefer to teach-Manchester or Tripoli! Tripoli is probably safer, but the commute may be a drag.

Flying Home

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Slower Daddy

"Walk a little slower daddy" said a child so small
"I'm following your footsteps and I don't want to fall.

Sometimes you are very fast,
Sometimes you're hard to see;
So walk a little slower, daddy,
For you are leading me.

Someday when I'm all grown up,
You're what I want to be;
Then I'll have a child who'll want to follow me.

And I would want to lead just right,
And know that I was true,
So walk a little slower, daddy
For I must follow you.