In 1924 we had a general strike in this country because of the terrible poverty of the working classes. Those same people had survived the Great War, and the ruling classes capitulated faced with the threat of communism and revolution. 20 years later those same classes fought against the tyranny of facism.They were rewarded with the establishment of the National Health Service and the Welfare State, again to counter the effect of communism. The 70s brought The Winter of Discontent and the 80s street riots.
This country faces worse today. The ruling classes have undermined the gains of a century, the middle classes have turned the other cheek. The workers have been driven down and down. The workers are now paying for the greed of the wealthy. The bailout of the banks alone has cost hundreds of billions of pounds, who pays? Poverty has been shoved under the carpet by ALL of the ruling political parties, fascism and nationalism now rears it's ugly head, as it did in 1930s Germany and Italy. Britain is a nation of ommigrants contrary to popular belief, check your own surname. Immigration is not the devil it's made out to be, it accounts for a fraction of our problems. Illegal immigration should be stopped and it can be if the departments meant to deal with it are given the tools to do so.But it is ultimately a convenient distraction from the real problem, the whipping boy that politicians use for their own survival.
The widening gap between rich and poor is the problem, the distribution of the wealth has tilted violently towards the ruling classes. The middle classes believe their continuing support of Conservatives, the status quo and their disdain of the poor will enrich their lives. They ignore the storm clouds approaching and the hard lessons of history.
The same spirit that fought for workers' rights and the same steel resolve that defeated fascism still burns within the working classes. That anger and that violence which has always been a part of our character has had no real outlet for years except for the blood and piss stained city and town centres on weekend nights.
But that violence is simmering, boiling up, local councils have already begun to plan for mass non payment of increased council tax, and bedroom tax they fully expect the same reation as they had for the Poll Tax.
The middle and ruling classes have forgotten that their way of life is only possible with the permission of the people. If that permission is taken away, anarchy ensues.That point is being reached in this country. We are back to 1924.
If a man or woman work full time and still are unable to provide for their family, there is something very very wrong. When that point is reached, the system has broken. When the system breaks it breaks for everyone not just the poor.
When there are riots later this year, the media will act surprised and shocked, the ruling classes will call for tougher penalties. But this time,I don't think it will just be chavs and scallies rioting, and this time they may not stop.
We are on the brink, only the character of a Churchill, Lloyd George or Atlee will be able to pull us back. Someone with the balls to renationalise all those that have failed the nation.. the banks, the railways, the electricity and gas suppliers, even the buses! Answer this, Which British company is admired more than any other? The BBC. Who owns it? You do!
Someone with the balls to introduce a minimum wage of £15 per hour, and impose an immediate 40% levy on banks' profit and accounts with over a million, and 75% top rate tax rate.
Workers don't want fucking working tax credits or council tax benefits they just want to earn enough to pay their way, and they want the fuckers who made this mess to pay for it.
Breadline Britain on ITV now( or plus 1 later).This has reduced me to tears, how did we let our country become like this, children without food and heating, even with working parents? The numbers are sobering, the difference between now and 30 years ago. 3.1 million WORKING people live in poverty!!!
Depressed with the never ending winter? Neighbours jetted off to the south of France? Greece? Spain? Well unless they've left Europe, they are still cold!
If a Filipino enters on a work visa or marries a permanent resident they CAN obtain permanent residency. Racism? Chinese wives from the mainland are NOT able to gain permanent residency, racist? Domestic helper contracts clearly state that permanent residence will not be given. Taking up the offer of work is not compulsory. How can foreigners gain permanent residency in The Phillipines? They can't! Racist?
NHS to be completely overhauled due to shocking neglect,Same with the UK border agency(which is being abolished), nothing at all to do with being understaffed, having no money to do the job at hand, and being saddled with cut price computer systems and lying managers and politicians who inflate figures until disaster strikes. This will become a familiar move over the next year with all government departments and services, as each fail to do the job they exist for, or calamitous incidents occur again and again. Reminds me of Mao's China and 'The hundred flowers blooming' campaign when work units produced miraculous amounts of rice according to government figures closely followed by a famine that killed 20 million.
I bought this a few weeks ago and cooked corned 'beef' hash for the family. Now turns out it was horsemeat. I didn't buy horsemeat, I really have a right to be sold what I paid for. If they didn't know it contained horsemeat, what else was in it? How can I feel safe buying food for my kids?
When will the government punish these corporations for endangering and misleading their customers on a colossal scale? These companies make countless millions in profits and drive down quality and safety in pursuit of that policy, when will they be punished?
Great stuff! Minimum wage is for everyone.All employees need a wage, Work experience is slavery and any company using it will be targeted!
@UKuncut: @boycottworkfare:
Tories celebrate worst recovery in modern history, promise to drag it out for another ten years until all peasants are dead.
Tory papers turn on the Chancellor. The Scum and The Nail are still obviously pissed off about press regulation, and are on the war path.
Fuck you and fuck your budget! 1p off a pint?! We want the 5% tax cut for the rich to be abolished. And answer the fucking question Bullingdon Boy, how many in the cabinet and your party will be £100, 000 better off on April 1st
What goodies will Osborne give the rich tomorrow? Will he try and tax sausage rolls or maybe school uniforms? Cyprus, first nation to leave the EU?
The first bankrupt nation? And a run on the banks regardless, as Cypriots realise that ALL their savings may now be in danger, not just 6-12%. And don't think for a moment it will stop in Cyprus, or just the EU. The first line of dominoes have already fallen, but this is the second line, watch them fall. Europe will not back down on the bailout being underwritten by savers' deposits as they feel that Euro money to bail out the large amount of Russian money in Cypriot banks is not acceptable. Seems the only possible way out of this hole will be a Russian bailout. We live in interesting unchartered times, we continue to wrongly assume that this financial crisis can never lead to the conditions experienced 100 Years ago in the developed world. The financial endgame has begun.
Cyprus MPs reject divisive bank tax http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-21842966
The Independent,Guardian and Financial Times have approved of deal but some newspapers not keen on regulatory deal, especially the scummy ones. Meanwhile the sky is falling in, in Cyprus.
The Sun illegally access MPs stolen phone! Scum Sun, close it down! #TheSun #leveson
As I said, Russia have major interest in Cypriot banks.
Putin calls Cyprus deposit levy unfair, dangerous http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/03/18/us-russia-putin-cyprus-idUSBRE92H06Y20130318
The Mirror is silent again but The Sun has come out fighting to protect its right to continue to abuse the whole nation.The Mail has gone with 'British lives have fought for freedom of expression..'.. which is right, but they didn't fight to be hacked and treated like pieces of shit by Murdoch, the Mail and The Mirror. These scum have had 50 years to self regulate, now it's too late.
Which paper has its front page protecting the 'free' press? Yes, it's the Murdoch Sun scum! Nobody is trying to restrict the freedom of the press or the right to free speech.Legislation is to hold the press accountable for the despicable breaches of law and ethics that closed for example The News Of The World, The Sun scum's dirty sister paper. Fuck you Murdoch, get the fuck out of our country, we don't want your scum here.
Interesting day ahead. The Cyprus bank bailout has a price tag of a 10 % levy on all bank accounts to underwrite and pay for the bailout. There will be chaos as the Cypriot population attempt to withdraw their savings. This could well be followed by a nervous Greek population watching and following suit. It's estimated that Russians have $3.7bn in Cypriot banks, and an alternative Russian bailout may yet emerge to safeguard Russian interests. Why Cyprus and why now? The rest of Europe will be watching this and wondering how safe is their own money.
Meanwhile here in the UK, the ruling Coalition may well be over by this time tomorrow, with the Conservatives effectively left with a minority government. The Liberal Democrats know that even they must support legislation to control the gutter press, or face extinction at the next election.
On Wednesday the emperor gets his new clothes, when the deaf, dumb and blind George Osborne announces his budget without even the support of his own party who realise that every budgetary measure introduced by this cretin has failed spectacularly or resulted in one of many many u-turns.This is the man who brought us the pasty and caravan tax.
To summarise, now more than at any other time in living memory have so many been ruled by so many humoungously inept, stupid , Eton, Bullingdon club stuck up their own arses total fuckwits. The boat is rocking violently but there is nobody rowing.
600 new hacking claims against Murdoch! Prime minister says no press legislation is necessary! Any MP voting for no legislation should forever hold down their head in shame.
I listened to this idiot last night on Radio5. He doesn't believe paedophile priests are criminally liable as they are 'sick'. This man is a cardinal who helped choose the new pope, he is a leader of the Catholic Church!
BBC News - 'Paedophilia not criminal condition' says Durban cardinal
Sad day, after nearly 3 decades of scaling back missile defences, is this the beginning of a new arms race?
BBC News - US to boost nuclear missile defences to counter North Korea
A little noticed piece of DWP research shows that four out of five claimants spent at least three quarters of the past four years off unemployment benefit.
Read this excellent article from The New Statesman.
On the day that it emerges that the ruling Coalition may itself be threatened by the Leveson inquiry, certain newspapers choose to ignore the news. The Sun obviously, and The Mirror whose editor has just been arrested ( Piers Morgan is still free!).
What a big fucking surprise, the Prime Minister says he will not legislate on findings of Leveson inquiry which showed that the press acted and continues to act illegally and without ethics, half of The News of The World's journalists are currently being prosecuted for phone hacking murdered 12 year old's phone amongst others, and countless senior and junior police are facing court for passing private information to LAWLESS press! Cameron protects Murdoch and the rich and powerful.....again!
Bought this for HK$4 in the UK. Would be HK$80 in Hong Kong. Price fixing by Wellcome and ParkNShop is the only real explanation.
A lot of this about at the moment, here on The Wirral, Liverpool, and Wigan. At least 5 attempts in the last month, thankfully unsuccessfully, need to keep reminding kids of dangers.
Scandalous! This is continuing to hurt the UK economy
Blame it on the duty http://www.economist.com/blogs/gulliver/2013/03/britains-exorbitant-airport-taxes
Pinnochio has got nothing on this lying bastard! He has been caught red handed telling lies about official economic figures, and the independent agency have had enough, and told him to stop lying!
Here are the real victims of those banker loving bastard motherfuckers Cameron and Osborne's Bedroom tax
She said of Mrs Carmichael: "She has spina bifida and lives in a two-bedroom flat with her husband. She is severely disabled and has to sleep in a hospital bed with an electronic pressure mattress.
"Mr Carmichael is unable to sleep in the same bed as his wife. The bed is not large enough for two people...there is no space in the room for a second bed.
Prime Minister's questions today, Cameron said we must ensure bankers stay in the UK, but 26 Euro countries (not the UK)voted to restrict bankers' bonuses yesterday. He didn't explain why he protects bankers but not the disabled, who will be paying £300m because of the bedroom tax, or why £3bn will be given to the richest in tax cuts but the poorest will pay more in council tax.
Ignore their howls of protest. If bankers leave the country, it would be no loss | Simon Jenkins
Happy Anniversary to me! On this day 20 years ago in 1993 I first arrived in Hong Kong. The next day I got a job as a dancing rabbit, and started teaching a week later, then moved to Lantau 3 months later. On my phone and laptop all my clocks show dual time, UK and Hong Kong. I check the weather in both no matter which one I'm in. I have spent more of my life in Hong Kong than I have in the UK. Hong Kong is my real home, I only spend time in England because I have to. As Arnie would say........