A Chinese general this week stated that the deadly smog enveloping Northern China was a great defense against US missiles, today there were reports that China was going to build the biggest smog tunnel in the world to work out how to deal with the smog, both of these stories are classic examples of the state using the media to take people's mind off the actual problem, sadly the Hong Kong media are now also stupid enough to swallow it.
The same is true for the rising Nationalism in China fuelled by the media regarding a few tiny islands and events that happened 60 years ago, heinous events, but the rest of the world also suffered many heinous acts too, but we moved on, we had to.
Yet China in 2014 is still obsessed. This is the state media whipping up sentiment to detract from the real tangible problems faced by the majority of the population; poverty, inflation, corruption, human rights, freedom of speech and democracy!
This of course has also caused almost laughably the Chinese to discriminate against each other, as in the protests here in Hong Kong against Mainland tourists and the 'locust' label! Sow the seed of superiority and pay the consequences, ask the Germans and Japanese!
In the west, we look on, and tut tut. We stand on our pedestal and give our opinions and tell them they must be like us. That's bullshit!
Our system is also broken. A man starved to death in England this week. He was starved by the indifference and apathy of his nation.
The media has been instrumental there too, in making people believe their poverty comes from the foreigners in their midst, or the weakest amongst them. This policy has been hugely successful and has resulted in a constant barrage of racist headlines and a stream of stories of those stealing from the state, the reality of course being that the foreigners add to the wealth of the nation and those stealing from the state equate to the tax avoided by a major company in a single day!
And herein lies the truth, the banks alone are the reason for the misery and the recession, the cost of bailing them out will be felt for decades, they are not sorry, they see no reason to be, they don't care. They continue to get richer and they continue to be protected. The same applies to every major corporation albeit to differing degrees.
Government exists to make the rich richer, the poor poorer and the corruption in our society is at the top, a perfect system where the majority cannot see the rot above them.
There is no difference between China and the West, and sadly both seem destined to continue on their path as, as people we seem to have forgotten how to revolt, how to begin a revolution, as that is what is needed. We knew how to do it 300 years ago, 70 years ago, but now what chance of a