Thursday, July 31, 2014

Stop the murder

The world has gone mad or was always mad, seems to me  that everything that was fought for during the world wars has been lost. Now, it is ok to kill children, and if you object you are accused of being racist. I have had to block some of my Russian friends as they will not believe their leader is a fascist dictator, that was 6 months ago, now the whole world is appeasing him.  I personally grieved for Jews in a ex-concentration camp! I cried when I was 9 years old in Germany, I paid my respects at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem 12 years later. I worked for and alongside Israelis and Palestinians in a Moshav, I loved all the people. The future back in 1992 seemed optimistic. That was before the walls, the siege. 

Now my heart bleeds, not for the Israelis drinking their Cappuccinos on their smart phones in Tel Aviv in their outdoor cafés, but for the countless children and families who only know death today, whose life has been torn by smart bombs, children like my children and your children. There can never be a justification, none, for killing children. The USA continues to be a part of this crime against humanity, the UK appeases it as does the rest of Europe, why do we tiptoe around this, it is because of our guilt in our roles during the holocaust. 

We certainly do all carry guilt for that dark dark part of history, but we made promises because of it, we made pledges that we would never let it happen again, but apparently that doesn't apply to those that suffered the holocaust. 

It is time the world, stood up and said No, this is not our world, let no one describe Israel as a Western developed nation again, the events that are occurring are more reminiscent of Rwanda than Tiannemen. 

I long for logic, but sadly today that does not appear to exist.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Putin's propaganda and murdering web of lies.

Mr Putin's doublespeak recalls the days of the Soviet Union when Pravda claimed to tell the truth. This mendocracy will end in the same way as that one did: the lies will eventually unravel, especially as it becomes obvious how much money Mr Putin and his friends have stolen from the Russian people, and he will fall. The sad novelty is that the West takes a different attitude this time round. In the old days it was usually prepared to stand up to the Soviet Union, and call out its falsehoods. With Mr Putin it looks the other way.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Ten farewells to the Red Army 龔玥 - 十送紅軍

龔玥 - 十送紅軍
Beautiful song! Ten farewells to the red army.
The song remembers The Long March when the communists escaped the siege of the evil corrupt government of Chiang Kai Shek, the Kuoimintang. The people came together to overthrow the evil overlord. This was 1935, long before the atrocities committed by The Communist party 20 years later. It was still a noble cause, an idealistic cause. The comrades marched to a certain death, but for a reason, to free their people. That is where the emotion of the song comes. A beautiful song.

Thursday, July 03, 2014

Hank's farewell.

Hank Moody's final letter.
Dear Karen,
I've been thinking about Us, the story of us. How the fuck do I sum it up? Has it been perfect? Hardly. Any story with me at the center of it will never be anything less than a big smiling mess. But here's what I know for sure—our time in the sun has been a thing of absolute fucking beauty. The nightmares, the hangovers, the fucking and the punching. The gorgeous shimmering insanity of the city of ours. Where for years I woke up, fucked up, said I was sorry, passed out and did it all over again. As a writer, I'm a sucker for happy endings. The guy gets the girl, she saves him from himself, fade to fucking black. As a guy who loves a girl, I realize there's no such thing. There's no sunset. There's just now, and there's just the two of us, which can be scary fucking ugly sometimes. But if you close your eyes and listen for the whisper of your heart—if you simply keep trying and never ever give up, no matter how many times you get it wrong, until the beginning and the end blur into something called until we meet again -- and that's it. I didn't know how to finish it, because it's not over. It'll never be over, as longs as there's you, and there's me, and there's hope, and grace.

Goodbye Motherfuckeeerrr!