Monday, May 18, 2015

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Baby boomers!

We forgot the old people, the Baby Boomers, those that had it easy; free university, grants, council housing, right to buy their cheap council houses, lower taxation, later retirement ages. Those that are not on twitter or Facebook, happy in M&S and Waitrose after they bought their cheap houses after graduating from their free university education to retire and sell at vastly inflated sums their£1000 house for £100,000s. The pollsters and social media forgot them! They stay quiet, they were born working class, but are now firmly middle class. They did not fight in any wars, or fight for their votes, they were the ones who reaped the benefits, and now quietly vote Tory.
What do we leave for our children? Fuck all! As the last generation took it all!

Wednesday, May 06, 2015


The 2015 UK election result 2 days early.

Here is my final forecast; An absolute dead heat. The incumbent Tories (being the party holding power now) attempting to stay in power with a minority government. Labour will make a Queen's speech which will be voted on and therefore they will be given the keys to number 10........but but but, they also will not be able to maintain a minority government and will concede to a second election, either in July! Or in November.
What happens in that next election is simply those that voted for the 'other' parties will have to choose from the main 3 parties if they wish to have a functioning government. The choice is theirs!