Friday, August 03, 2018

Fight for your hear the real news.

Surely this must be a battle cry for The Revolution? All media should pull out of the White House, refuse to interview those Republicans that don't condemn what is an attack  on the freedom of the press, which until last year was a freedom American's held dear. His tweets should be ignored by media,and apart from any direct policy decisions that have actually been put into effect he and his lackeys should be ignored. At the same time, newspapers,magazines,websites,T.V. and radio should have blank pages, blank airtime where they should have been able to report on the their government without fear. This is a very sad day for accountability of the executive and the media's ability to do their job.
Has he turned the U.S. into Turkey,or Thailand or Egypt or China or Singapore or The Philippines, and the other nations where journalists are killed,jailed,attacked and vilified for telling the truth?

Thursday, August 02, 2018

The Meek

Most of the happiest and richest countries in the world have mixed market economies. They educate their citizens for free and encourage and give them that free education whilst ensuring they have good healthcare. They encourage their people to work to innovate,to strive for more. Their weak and disadvantaged are brought into society rather than punished. The Welfare of all is important and seen as necessary and noble. Housing is available to all.
In these same countries unemployment is low,crime is low,and education is excellent. They compete commercially alongside the elite,they out-perform bigger richer nations in productivity and quality of life.
It is not fucking rocket science.
Pure capitalism doesn't work,as communism doesn't work. 
In the 90s they talked about a '3rd Way' but that was part of the propoganda,as the 3rd way was already there,with most European nations,meanwhile we began charging our students and making the unemployed into a parish. 
We (The U.K.) are heading towards the American model of capitalism. Work or die,and fuck the consequences of crime and healthcare.
Sweden, Norway,Denmark,Finland,Switzerland,even Germany and France will inherit the Earth.

The Last Days

Throughout history many great conquering civilisations have fallen, The Egyptians,Greeks,Romans,Mongols,Vikings,Danes,Normans, Portuguese,Spanish,Dutch,Moors,French,Ottamans,Russians,Prussians,Germans,British and Americans. History has taught us that all have fallen eventually. Why can't the British and American people realise that? 30 years ago it was obvious and we accepted it, as it was clear that, firstly we realised the error of our ways and more importantly that it was not practical.
We are left with the dregs today of those that still believe it is desirable and obtainable to get those empires back,we are leading others to do the same,the idea that nationalism is a good thing,that power is our aim,that leadership is our God given right.
All of these ideas have only resurfaced in the last decade,during the age of austerity,'The age of Austerity' caused by rampant capitalism.
The after effects of the banks destroying our economies with impunity led to the perfect conditions for the right wing to grow,as they did during the Weimar Republic of Germany after World War 1.
The Conservative government of the UK decided to pass on the cost of 'austerity' in 2010, not to the banks or the corporations or the rich,they decided to pass on the burden to the poor,to the working and even middle classes. This in turn meant libraries closing, cuts in health care,wage freezes,huge fucking huge cuts in the police force and military,in roads that never got fixed,in the deprivation of the disabled and the unemployed....the list goes on. Yet the banks got off scot free and the biggest propaganda machine ever mounted in (at least British) history began to blame the unemployed,the elderly,the disabled,those at the bottom.
It forgot (this propoganda machine),who caused the austerity.
Eventually the anger rose from the people,so the propoganda machine changed tact,it changed refugees,to illegal refugees and at this time millions were coming into Europe after we had spent 15 years bombing them and their neighbours and left no viable governments in place,only chaos,violence and hunger.
The irony is, is that we stopped those same refugees arriving,they were absorbed by our European neighbours....who hadn't bombed them for 15 years.
So the Propoganda machine shifted again,to the EU. When people are pissed off,hungry,no library to go to,no decent roads and you are told that the blame lies in basically anywhere then you will believe it
We are in an unprecedented age of propoganda, in what we now call 'fake news',
Statistics and absolute facts are dismissed....history is dismissed,and of course the banks and markets roll on unaffected.
The banks are to blame,but education is also to blame,and so is reality TV,soaps and the dumbing down of culture,and much more. In 300 years time this decade may become more infamous than the decades of the last century,this decade may well become as famous as The Fall of Rome and the step back into The Dark Ages. Let's hope not.

Lest we forget

Yes, Society today seem immune to suffering,be it the homeless, racist attacks, toddlers locked in cages,dead babies on beaches...the list goes on. People seem to think it is ok to say "Nothing to do with us" "They shouldn't have left their country" "Charity begins at home". This is not the world I grew up in,these are not my morals. 

If we lay down and allow these ideas,then we become complicit,complicit in the same way as many were forced into compliance in the last century,there is no difference. As developed countries,we are supposed to lead the way,to show humanity that violence,racism,fascism and corruption are not the way forward,that there is an alternative,we are failing,we are falling back to believing we are somehow superior,that our lives are worth more than the lives of those less fortunate.
The Geneva Convention in the World Wars was only applied to 'civilised'' countries, Britain wrote in a get out clause that said and this is almost verbatim "When fighting the 'uncivilised' there are no rules, the actions of the 'civilised' side will be according to necessity"
That feeling of superiority,in the first instance of your town,your football team,your county,your country,your race, persists today,in almost every country in the world but now again in Europe and the U.S.A. I see it in developing countries,it continues to devastate large swathes of the planet tribally.
In 1899 the European powers had a Peace conference where it was decided that the peace conference itself was useless as Europe was now too powerful and civilised to ever again embark on war,with the advancement of technology they believed that they were too intelligent for war.  Until 1914 the major powers of the world had enjoyed a long period of peace,and any significant war seemed beyond anyone's belief. 9 million soldiers(This war was still largely fought on the battlefield,so they were  soldiers) died in the 4 years that followed.
A mere 21 years later at least 50 million people died,soldiers and civilians.
We ignore the past at our peril,we ignore the past then we repeat it.

 The photos below are of my Great Great Uncle who gave his life 100 years ago this month to defend his country. My children's Great Great Great Uncle. Generally those that died were 'uncles' (They weren't at the time) as they never had children,they didn't get the chance,they gave their lives so your Grandaddy's granddad could have kids.