Sunday, June 04, 2006


Strange sometimes, how obscure thoughts just pop-up now and again and take you away.
How many times have you said goodbye to someone at an airport,train station,ferry pier-wherever? And although you never knew it at the time,you never saw that person again?You know now, that you will never see them again.
Think of the people that you have spent your life with,people that were close ,people that you spent time with,friends,schoolmates or even workmates.
You can still remember them,still think of them,still consider them.The same is probably true of them. There are some who you could contact if you wanted to, but you feel it's probably been too long.There are those you couldn't contact even if you wanted to,not everyone uses friends reunited-why should they?
Is that why so many of us hate goodbyes? Because, deep inside we are conscious that this could be the last time. We live at the same time,our paths cross,intermingle,and fly away again. At that time you had something in common,but at that moment you last saw them, your lives took parallel paths.
I once said goodbye to my biological father at a train station with the full knowledge that it would be the last time that I saw him, that though is different, and it is a rare event when you KNOW it will be the last. My thought is really about the times when you don't.
I used to love flying, but now I think I'm a nervy flyer. It may just be the numbers-statistics, it may be that i don't fly for pleasure anymore, it may be that I no longer drink while flying, it may be since I had my own family, or it may be that I just hate goodbyes.

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