Maybe i'm just going crazy, but it seems that everyone on the bus in the morning is either going to court, or has been forced to go on a course by the dole.The woman standing next to me at the bus stop, looked like a lesbian with a heroin addict,prisoner cell block H came to mind.She coughed and hacked away, clearing her throat on the road, 'gozzed' everywhere-'spitting' is definitely not a strong enough word.She asked the old dear next to her 'if the clocks had gone backwards or forwards last night'-in August!! Then along came a young girl about 20 years old-pretty except for the scowl on her face.The hacking, drugged up lesbian and her had a chat, which I'm sure the whole of the north west could hear.Every second word was an expletive, as they discussed the non existent storm they felt was brewing,the f-ing buses, court(for hacking dyke) and maths and english classes-compulsory for scowling girl, who said the teacher could kiss her arse if he expected her to do f-ing homework. Dyke asked her what job they thought she could get with maths and english, scowly didn't f-ing know.
How I miss not being able to understand anything, anyone says on my morning commute!!
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