Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Robbery at 30,000 feet

The UK govt introduced an 'environmental' tax on all flights effective this month.
£20 for flights within the EU each way, and £40 for long haul flights. This would have made my trip to Asia at xmas £360 more if it had been introduced earlier. This tax was not approved by parliament, and is nothing more than a cynical chancellor trying to make money by jumping on the green bandwagon.Where the money will go-nobody knows!
I exercised my right to complain with this letter to my local MP and Gordon Brown-the Chancellor of the Exchequer. I can put up with most things, but don't f**k with my right to fly! If this affects you, as the airlines are now advising people-complain.

Dear Mr Hesford,/Mr Gordon Brown
I would like to complain about the new 'environmental' air tax that has been levvied , as far as I know without parliament's approval.
I do not drive a car, I take public transport or walk. When I travel by plane, it is together with 200-300 other people.If the Labour Govt care so much about the environment, why don't they tax motorways, ban private cars from our towns and cities, or ban internal flights?
I have always voted Labour, but I strongly believe this tax is a tax too far.Why was it not voted on? Why was it not in the election manifesto? Where will the money go? Will it provide decent public transport, that is needed here in Woodchurch and throughout the Wirral(Merseyside) to persuade car owners to leave their cars at home? I don't think so.
This policy will also put UK airlines at an unfair disadvantage, and endanger London as an international transport hub.
I will as a means of protest not vote Labour in the next election-local or national!
C. Mercer
address attached.

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