Saturday, February 17, 2007

this little piggie went wee wee wee

it's that time of year again.
I have Saturday, Sunday and Monday off(it's half-term here).
I notice the weather is nice and warm in HK-I am jealous.We may go to China Town again tomorrow, as we did last year.

Year of Pig will bring problems, say Malaysian and other fortune tellers
The Star HONG KONG: The Year of the Pig starts Sunday, and Chinese fortune tellers say it will be a good time to have a baby, but also warn there will be an upsurge in epidemics, disasters and violent conflicts across the world. "The Year of the Pig will not be very peaceful,'' said Raymond Lo, a feng shui master in Hong Kong. Pig years can be turbulent because they are dominated by fire and water - two of the five elements that Chinese mystics say are the basis of the universe, Lo said. Since fire and water are conflicting elements, they tend to whip up trouble, he said. "Fire sitting on water is a symbol of conflict and skirmish. We'll also see more fire disasters and bombings,'' he said. Malaysian feng shui master...

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