Monday, September 03, 2007


As you can see from the pics below we have all been reunited. Joseph started at his new school today, Jack will go next week.We have all acclimatised and I think the kids and Teosdee are really starting to enjoy Island life. We moved into our new place about a week ago-completely unfurnished, so we are still sleeping on the floor. We went up to the Big Buddha yesterday and met some friends(see pics). We went to 2 barbecues last weekend, and caught up with some good friends. The village where we live is very picturesque and Chinese, it has a village square with a nice temple, in the midst of streams, fields and mountains, and only 5 minutes from the beach. Our house is on the edge of the square, the kids can 'play out' safely as there is no road, and kids do play out here!
It really does feel good to be back, now that we all together, and things are getting sorted.

I have finished summer school and will be back in the office tomorrow, I will have to take the ferry to work and back, possibly with a few cans on the way home-maybe!
I am back online, as you can see and should now have the time to keep on posting crap-more soon!

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