Thursday, February 04, 2010


The spectre of war with Iran looms large again. Even Nobel Peace prize winning president Obama seems to be talking tough! Blair hinted in his testimony last week that he feels the situation with Iran now is similar to that of Iraq-pre-war.
This is wrong, wrong, wrong!
Iran is not Iraq-they have never attacked another country or sovereign state.Although it may appear so, the Iranian people are not subject to an opressive dictatorship. Iran is a prime example of when a western style democracy may not be the best way forward. Iran has many, many internal problems but the people of Iran are intelligent and have enough freedom to deal with it themselves.
The west objects to the procurement of nuclear weapons in Iran-why?
As stated above, Iran has never threatened its neighbours, but one of its neighbours does have nuclear weapons and has stated its willingness to use them(Israel).Iran has been attacked by one of its neighbours with chemical and biological weapons(Iraq). With that kind of history it is understandable that Iran is jumpy. The Mullahs and hardliners have an audience that have first hand experience of the horrors of war.
The west is barking up the wrong tree.Iran cannot be coerced into dropping its nuclear programme, the reasons for Iran developing nuclear weapons must be erased.
Tony Blair did try and tell Bush that the 'Israel' problem must be addressed before long-lasting peace is achievable in the Middle East. Bill Clinton understood this as well, but was unable to change anything.The answer is simple, and could be implemented quickly. Israel is no longer in danger of invasion from its neighbours.Therefore has no need for nuclear weapons, this fact could easily be guaranteed by the US, and so nuclear weapons could be eradicated from the region completely.Israel must establish a homeland and soveriegn nation for Palestinians in Gaza and the West bank. Israel's Arab neighbours must also recognise the state of Israel and no longer threaten to 'wipe it from the face of the earth'.
Iran 'barks' a lot, and really needs to shut the fuck up when talking about Israel.The Iranian people are not a zealous or bloodthirsty lot, and must control its leaders accordingly. Although both groups remain a minority Jewish extremists and Islamic extremists have a lot to answer for.The Muslims and Jews have shared the Holy Land for millenia, and will always share it-both sides need to accept that fact.
Yet although this all seems quite straightforward to sane people, it is still imperative that the hawks in the US understand that using force against a non violent sovereign, Islamic country-Iran would be the mother-the grandmother! of all folly, and is not justified, and could never be justified.

N.B. I have lived and worked in Israel, and travelled throughout Gaza, the West Bank and the Middle East.
Previous posts about Iran and Israel:

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