Sunday, April 25, 2010


Day 7.
I am here again in the hell that is the transit lounge in Delhi. I have been on the road for a week now. I seem to be on my way back to Singapore, not sure where to then.
I had a fantastic morning yesterday in Prague. I managed to have a 4 hour walk around the city. It was a warm spring day, and I even managed to top up the old tan. Prague is surely the beautiful city in the world. The architecture is simply breathtaking, and the Czechs really know how to treasure and take care of their heritage. Prague really is a friendly lovely place. It is not cheap anymore, but probably cheaper than London. It is a must see city, you haven't seen Europe unless you have seen Prague. I prefer it to Paris or Rome, although Barcelona is hard to beat, but I think that's because of the beaches. The flight from Prague to Munich is a short flight-40 minutes, but the countryside in between is very pretty. The plane flies low so the view was as clear as a bell. I could see cyclists and even people walking in the countryside. For possibly the first time i found myself thinking 'I wish I could drive' i would love to explore the whole area of Southern Germany into Austria and across to the Czech Republic. There are so many small villages, valleys, rolling hills, lakes, and forests. Unlike Northern Germany and Europe, it really is unspoilt by industry and large cities. At times from the air it looks as though someone has laid down a velvet rug, the greens and yellows of the fields look so clear and smooth. Definitely on my list of places to take the kids, not sure about the driving though. Again I was most impresses in Munich by how helpful and friendly the Germans are. I realised that my German is better than my Cantonese, it always surprises me how much I can understand. Most people mistook me for a German, and I tried my best to speak German to them, but i am very rusty. The more I see Europe, the more I think I would rather my kids grew up there rather than England, but we can't always get what we want.

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