Monday, November 15, 2010


Today was a good day. Great breakfast in the Turkish,beside the pool and the beach enjoying the sun,phone call from my boys,sad farewells,slow boat back to hong kong-traditional junks in the harbour,skyscrapers that dwarf all in Europe and America with lasers and lights flashing,and now sat in their midst on my way home using the free wifi to send this post!

In hong kong news-12 people were taken to hospital today with burns after walking on hot coals.Make your own deductions.Furthermost in my mind though is,after the 6th person

was wheeled away,didn't the other 6

people have second thoughts?

Love this city

As I walk and travel through this metropolis of 7million people,its energy lights me up.Look above at the buildings 100 storeys high with their sleek designs, pulsating lasers and lights and then at the contrast below.From the puckingly rich down to the teaming middle classes and further to the abject poor,this is a city where wealth and despair rub shoulders. 80 year old women collect trash in the streets,Rolls Royces are ten a penny. You a re never alone here,life is everywhere,in your face,inescapable.It gives you that impetus, to say-fuck this, my life is not so bad,I have choices,I have the tools to succeed. On the tram that I took tonight,right through the middle of possibly the most expensive real estate in the world,which still only costs a staggering 17p, quiet at first and so I managed to get a seat it soon filled up with couples,pregnant women ready to drop, thugs,drunkards,maids,pensioners,queers,lesbians, and the insane! Next to me was a 70 year old man,suited and booted,probably some kind of councillor,and a narky young girl with headphones on.As we trundled along through the skyscrapers I noticed the old dear across from me,a hundred at least, was giving me the smilliest smile and a gummy one at that. I took off my headphones and tried to speak to her,but couldn't understand a word. She was lovely,and I felt we were kindred spirits,and although we hadn't managed to communicate verbally,I continued to smile and nod at her for the remainder of the tram ride. She seemed happy,and so was I. I love this city!And some way or another I will keep on complaining until there are no more 80 year old women collecting rubbish on the streets.

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