Thursday, January 26, 2012

Boycott 7-11 and Wellcome in Hong Kong

Time to boycott 7-11? And Wellcome? 7-Eleven attacked for 23pc price rise.Both stores owned by same company! Time to fight price fixing and monopoly!!
Convenience store chain put up prices by much more than inflation, says Labour Party, which questions price gap with Wellcome sister stores.
They claim to offer unrivalled convenience: but the inconvenient truth is that prices at your local 7-Eleven have crept up by almost a quarter in just three months, according to a new study.

Prices have been bumped on everything from noodles to napkins and chocolates to condoms at the ubiquitous store chain, according to research by the Labour Party.

The party says prices at 7-Eleven's 964 outlets went up by an average of 22.8 per cent between October and December, while the year-on-year inflation rate for food was 11.5 per cent in December, according to the Census and Statistics Department.

Daily essentials also cost more. A bottle of Vitasoy milk cost HK$3.50 in October and HK$7 in December, a doubling of the price in two months, the survey found.

The Labour Party's vice-chairman, Dr Fernando Cheung Chiu-hung, said a far more worrying trend was the vast price difference between 7-Eleven stores and Wellcome supermarkets, both of which are owned by Dairy Farm International.

Shoppers could buy four bowls of noodles at Wellcome's 264 supermarkets for HK$21.90, but would only get one bowl for that price at 7-Eleven. Cheung accused Dairy Farm of making the most profit from people with limited mobility living in areas where supermarkets were scarce, such as Tung Chung.

"Dairy Farm controls pricing and limits residents' right to choose by way of its supermarkets and franchising rights and conditions," Cheung said, "so both residents and small shops are the victims under such conglomerate hegemony."

Cheung said two thirds of 7-Eleven stores were run by franchisees, who had to follow the suggested retail prices put forward by Dairy Farm.
Cheung urged the Legislative Council not to consider supermarkets and convenience stores as separate industries when it passes the long-awaited competition law.

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