Friday, March 23, 2012

Charity begins at home?

Tonight is Sport Relief on the BBC. This is the night when heartsrings are pulled and people are guilted into giving money to worthwhile charities. Millions are raised through the genoristy of the British people. 50% of the money  is spent here in the UK, and this is where the problem lies. As a developed nation should these worthy causes for the UK's disadvantaged have to beg for money?
Let's say £30m is raised. This money that is so desperately needed should have come from the government in the first place. Or how about the corporations and banks that earn their money here? Are those companies not part of this society? We continue to give individuals millions and millions of un-earnt money. No single person-banker, chairman,footballer,singer,movie star has a right to vast amounts of wealth which are so far removed from economic reality that it is criminal.
As a nation we should feel shame that these orphans, special needs kids, and terminally ill children etc are not already taken care of through the tax that people pay. The same goes for Comic Relief, Children in Need and all the other telethons.
'Charity begins at home' is a shameful expression.
Our nation and  ALL political parties should be judged on their success in making sure that money from charities is no longer needed in this country.

The same should be said for the world, but that is beyond our control, and the level of misery endured by many of our fellow human beings around the world is breathtakingly terrible. All of our charity should go where it's needed most, where children die needlessly of starvation and disease, not here.
Conservative, labour and liberal have had hundreds of years, (especially the last 50 years) to rid our society of the glaring gaps and inequalities that charities struggle to fill. Why in the 21st century after so many years of wealth do we still need charity in 'Great' Britain?
£50m was raised on the night, so British charities will receive £25m. How much will be saved by the top rate of taxpayers who this week were given a 5% tax cut? Corporation tax was also cut. Why are the rich and powerful being given money, and normal people asked to dig in their pockets for the country's needy?

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