Friday, September 25, 2015


50k Jews, 60k Hungarians (Ironic!) 50k Ugandans (of Asian descent), 30k Vietnamese, 20k Kosavans, plus Sierra Leone, Somalia, Ethiopia and many more, those are the refugees, plus the Caribbeans,the Pakistanis, the Chinese, the Polish migrants, and of course the Irish. And the French, and the Germans and the Americans, and the Australians and the......
We are a country of immigrants, take a look at your own family tree and you will find foreign blood. Enoch Powell said in the 60s there would be 'rivers of blood', certainly doesn't seem like that where my family and extended family live, rivers of cups of tea maybe!  3 years ago the enemy was people on the dole, facebook was full of stories and rhetoric about 'spongers', Of course it turnsnout that 0.01% of the welfare bill is down to fraud. Whereas corporate fraud is worth billions upon billions, the bail out of the banks cost not just billions, but hundreds of billions. If you count to to a million it will take you 37 days, if you count to a billion it will take 15 years....most people have no real idea what these numbers mean, now multiply that by 500 or 600, yet public enemy number 1 was a fella selling dvds at the market whilst signing on!
That got old, and too many people saw through it, so the government needed another smokescreen as they fucked pigs, sipped champagne and laughed at how they still are fetting away with it.
UKIP was born, its leader being an ex stockbroker who they chose because he appears to be a fucking dick. He did his job, his job being, shift the blame, and make an almighty smokescreen as we fuck the British people up the arse. Whip up the unclean, the unwashed, those that can no longer express their violence at football matches, basically the mob. This method is tried and tested, and has been used in every major revolution....whip the ignorant into a fervour, pay them, give them beer, tell them to shout loudly, tell them that 'patriotism' is your way, and all that disagree must hate their country! Use images of the military to back you up, even though the majority of the military hate everything you stand for, as they believe in a free, non fascist, non rascist world.
Create such a chasm between people that they will forget as we fuck them, and fuvk them, and fuck them.

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