Monday, March 14, 2016

Brexit or not?

I have walked the streets of almost every European country, daytime and nighttime. From Sweden to Spain and Ireland to Turkey, France to Hungary and all in between and hitched through and travelled through all. The ONLY country I never feel safe in is England. I always hoped that the European way would rub off on us, but it does appear I am wrong. British people want to have their god given right to to not be able to walk the streets because  of violent gangs of children of teenagers who wear the flags of their tribes ruling the streets. We encourage our youth to wear our flag as they make our cities No Go areas for families at the weekend. Yes, proud to be British, but not today. The right wing take us down a path to disaster and xenophobia. It took the Harold Wilsons decades to make sure we came into Europe as a powerful nation in the centre of everything. We as a nation need to embrace Europe and learn from the way they treat their own people. At midnight on a Saturday night in Barcelona or Athens families play with their children, they don't hide inside their homes, in Berlin they have beer festivals where generations drink together, in France they set up artificial beaches in the middle of their capital without problems.  Where I come from the local pub turns into a full scale riot when the sun comes out and women can never ever be out after dark.
We need them,we need them to teach us how to become civilised, how to drink without killing each other. A darkness is settling over our world and we can only fight it together.
United we stand, divided we fall.

Liverpool, 1984. Torn by riots caused by The Tories was cast adrift by every Tory government, they never put money in as they knew they had no votes there. Europe did. The amount of signs that cropped up around Liverpool "A European Union Project".
Today the Tories are about to take over the board of the BBC, the first time in its history a serving government will choose the management  of our beloved BBC. We leave Europe, there will be nothing to stop the Tories from cutting another £30 from disabled people,nothing to stop them from introducing charges for primary schools.Nothing to stop them giving banks more bonuses and powers!  Europe  is our only defense , our only defense. Cameron is running a quasi campaign, but inside he is waiting to become our overlord, changing election rules, changing human rights rules, right to protest laws, everything. We are walking into the biggest trap laid in history, a trap that will chain our children for generations to come. Wake the Fuck up and see what is in front of you!

How many times has the European Court of Human Rights overruled a Tory govt on how much a person needs to live, or how a person is given access to free and impartial legal representation? We only hear about terrorists, but European conventions have protected many more normal British people being shafted by the British government.
Only this week we see that 500,000 British disabled people are being fucked by the govt. People with limbs missing, blind people are having their equipment,  the equipment necessary for them to live a life being taken away. The govt is bold now, they feel that by the time these cases come to court, we will no longer be in Europe, so who gives a Fuck?  Not the British people that's for sure! The British people are only concerned about migrants now, and today advised that old people could begin picking the fruit and vegetables once Johnny foreigner has gone!
The Bullingdon Club have won, they want, they have planned this. David Cameron will accept defeat and congratulate Boris, it's no coincidence that Cameron said he will not run again. He will hand over the reins to Boris. By that time, they will have changed the rules for voting and the boundaries so much that a Conservative government will be guaranteed for the next 50 years! The same people that burnt £50 notes in front of beggars' faces will have a free hand, unhindered by Europe.
The idea behind The European Union was to prevent us ever falling into war again. To prevent the U.S. having to implement The Marshall Plan where billions of American dollars were used to stabilise Europe and prevent mass starvation  after The War. To do that it was agreed that certain nations would need a leg up and the others would need to give that leg up, otherwise our southern neighbours would quite easily have gone the way of Yugoslavia, much much earlier, which the statesman at that time knew would mean refugees and eventual military action. Through the European Union we avoided that, but we ignored our bordering neighbours. Syria is a direct result of our inaction, and exactly what we were trying to avoid.
Ignore the rest of the world at your peril. In the EU or not, the refugees will come.
Once we leave, the European Union itself could disintegrate, we cannot expect them to hold the fort. Greece will leave first, then Portugal,  then Spain, then Italy. Right wing governments will prevail, nationalism will win, and we will have started it. A Europe full of right wing governments with high unemployment.....wait, haven't I heard this before?!
Barack Obama has an absolute right to his view about Europe as his country does not want to fight another war in Europe, or AGAIN pay billions and billions of dollars to rebuild a failed continent as his country did after World War 2.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Evil Tory

The Tories this week cut disabled benefits by £30 per week, they voted against cutting the tampon tax, they are in a fight to the death with trainee doctors, they have cut legal aid so that vulnerable  women are in danger of real violence, they seem to be proud of how many food banks and soup kitchens the UK now has.

They cut a deal with banks and Facebook and Google and Starbucks so they can pay as little tax as possible, they continue to sell arms to Saudi Arabia.
These people are your enemies, they only care about themselves and are lining their own and their families pockets.
They are the scum of the earth, and they spit in your face and know you won't do anything. Britain 2016.
They also know they can fool you into blaming the unemployed,the disenfranchised, they know that racism is in their interest, they can put up a good show, they know exactly what they are doing. Education gets worse, that suits them, makes the people easier to control. What The Fuck?

When a government punishes those unable to defend particular the disabled and no one bats an eyelid that country has passed a line,a line that a civilised country should never pass. Never mind immigrants, never mind Europe, the British government has just put thousands of 'British' disabled people in danger..and no one gives a Fuck!  Smoke and mirrors.

We remain the 5th richest country on this planet, in the universe as far as we know, yet we have just punished the weakest among us, diversity, equality, paralympics...all have no meaning to these evil fuckers. Let the weak pay for the mistakes of the powerful. "The path of the righteous man  is beset on all sides with the inequities and the tyranny of evil men and Blessed is he who through the power of goodwill.......
he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children.
The British people are essentially self centred, narcissistic,  and can only think about their own fucking gardens! Today I feel ashamed that I am British, a country that voted in such an evil government. A government that in the name of austerity has given tax cuts to the richest, a government that has allowed the banks that caused the crisis to go free and actively stopped any punitive measures against those banks.
A government that today cut £30 a week from disabled people.
£30 per week.
Some of us know how that could feel.
When you have no way of making up that money, it begins to mount up. Charles Dickens wrote about the misery of a great proportion of the British people. These people have no way to adapt to this cut. This could be the single most evil move by a British government ever. We all know there are 'fakers' the statistics say 0.3 of them are faking. 0.3. That means 97.7 are real. Some of these people literally cannot speak, they have no voice, some cannot walk.
Are these the people to punish for the mistakes of the rich? They had no say, they had no role. The rest of us can fight and are close to fighting, many people are hungry. Yet to choose the disabled to punish and hope we won't  notice! I know, I hope, our ideals , our beliefs have not sunken so low that we as a society will allow the weakest to be punished in this way.