The Tories this week cut disabled benefits by £30 per week, they voted against cutting the tampon tax, they are in a fight to the death with trainee doctors, they have cut legal aid so that vulnerable women are in danger of real violence, they seem to be proud of how many food banks and soup kitchens the UK now has.
They cut a deal with banks and Facebook and Google and Starbucks so they can pay as little tax as possible, they continue to sell arms to Saudi Arabia.
These people are your enemies, they only care about themselves and are lining their own and their families pockets.
They are the scum of the earth, and they spit in your face and know you won't do anything. Britain 2016.
They also know they can fool you into blaming the unemployed,the disenfranchised, they know that racism is in their interest, they can put up a good show, they know exactly what they are doing. Education gets worse, that suits them, makes the people easier to control. What The Fuck?
When a government punishes those unable to defend particular the disabled and no one bats an eyelid that country has passed a line,a line that a civilised country should never pass. Never mind immigrants, never mind Europe, the British government has just put thousands of 'British' disabled people in danger..and no one gives a Fuck! Smoke and mirrors.
We remain the 5th richest country on this planet, in the universe as far as we know, yet we have just punished the weakest among us, diversity, equality, paralympics...all have no meaning to these evil fuckers. Let the weak pay for the mistakes of the powerful. "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides with the inequities and the tyranny of evil men and Blessed is he who through the power of goodwill.......
he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children.
The British people are essentially self centred, narcissistic, and can only think about their own fucking gardens! Today I feel ashamed that I am British, a country that voted in such an evil government. A government that in the name of austerity has given tax cuts to the richest, a government that has allowed the banks that caused the crisis to go free and actively stopped any punitive measures against those banks.
A government that today cut £30 a week from disabled people.
£30 per week.
Some of us know how that could feel.
When you have no way of making up that money, it begins to mount up. Charles Dickens wrote about the misery of a great proportion of the British people. These people have no way to adapt to this cut. This could be the single most evil move by a British government ever. We all know there are 'fakers' the statistics say 0.3 of them are faking. 0.3. That means 97.7 are real. Some of these people literally cannot speak, they have no voice, some cannot walk.
Are these the people to punish for the mistakes of the rich? They had no say, they had no role. The rest of us can fight and are close to fighting, many people are hungry. Yet to choose the disabled to punish and hope we won't notice! I know, I hope, our ideals , our beliefs have not sunken so low that we as a society will allow the weakest to be punished in this way.
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