It becomes more difficult every day not to become anti Muslim, yet this is the time that European values have to remain strong and steadfast, immovable in our belief in the rights of others to practice their religion, our belief in diversity and multi culturalism. We have to believe that tarring a race, religion, sexuality or even gender with the same brush is harmful and against our values. If we begin a purge, or to punish whole religions and races for the crimes of the few, then we are truly losing the war, we are giving them what they want.
Yet, we do need to protect the innocent people from the violence that is growing. We have to ask some very tough questions about why France continues to be targeted and how it is being targeted. It is safe to assume that their intelligence agencies are not up to the job, at this time European security agencies need to come together, possibly even a Europe wide security agency. Yes, mosques must be closely monitored and Islamic schools strictly limited.
Yes, Western values, European values must be followed and insisted upon. No restrictions on dress, on food, Sharia Law must be stamped out if found in Europe, FGM must be stopped, and travel to radical countries possibly stopped completely, and of course and sadly the state must be allowed to electronically spy on its citizens, at least for those under any suspicion of radicalism or terrorism.
We all must lose some freedoms, as is the case during any war, we must win, we must keep our values. All of the above also applies to right wing nationalist groups, all hate speech, all radicalism must be fought. The difficulty is to not blame Muslims, the same as we don't blame Christians for attacks against abortion clinics or Christians for the policies of countries such as Venezuela that force the victims of rape to give birth.
We have to accept a hardening of our attitude towards intolerance from all sides by being tolerant of all views...that do not impede upon our own laws and culture.
Europe is a beacon for the world, a beacon for democracy (it's not the USA!). When we reintroduce the death penalty, shoot innocent people because of the colour of their skin, racially profile sections of our nations and restrict the right to pray to whatever imaginary god they want, and forget that we are all innocent until proven guilty, and have vigilante governments(the Philippines), the list goes on. We must stand for our right to be a free, fair and just continent.
In Honduras, if a woman has a miscarriage she is investigated, in one US State they only outlawed marrying an 11 year old...this week!!!
Women in Northern Ireland still have to travel to the UK mainland for an abortion!
I hear;British Muslims must stand up to these attacks;
They are powerless to control Isis from their nice houses in Birmingham as we cannot stop the fuckwits that patrol Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam for little kids. We are hated in countries(Asian ones especially) for our compatriots' behaviour. The Muslims in Birmingham are as far removed from Isis as we are to Gary Glitter of the youth that destroy whole areas of Spain. The whole of the US is not responsible for those that rape in Okinawa. It is up to governments to stop this shit, not Mr Patel at number 57.
We grew up with Muslims that would drink and eat bacon,as we were they not religious, like the Indonesians who by the way if we declare war on Islam will become so radicalised that we will have a never ever ending war. If we wage war against Islam, the war will move East and intensify. We must only wage war against Isis and other radicals with the emphasis that they are not really muslim. What Isis and Boko Haram do is against everything the Koran teaches and must be exposed for what it is....evil, pure evil.
You know I believe in a full ground war and occupation and if you had read what I sent earlier a restriction on mosques, Islamic schools and zero tolerance of Sharia Law. Protect the innocent Muslims whilst weeding out the radicals. More must be done, but a war against Islam is not the answer and unworkable, would make Vietnam look like a garden party.
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